Shaping Postmodern Architecture (SAH, Austin, 9-13 Apr 2014) Austin, Texas, April 9 - 13, 2014

 Shaping Postmodern Architecture (SAH, Austin, 9-13 Apr 2014)
Austin, Texas, April 9 - 13, 2014
Deadline: Jun 1, 2013

Society of Architectural Historians
SAH Conference in Austin, Texas
April 9 - 13, 2014

Panel:Shaping Postmodern Architecture: The Medium is the Message

As recent scholarship has pointed out "the history of the architectural 
media is much more than a footnote to the history of architecture". 
Ever since the late 18th century, architectural exhibitions and 
periodicals played an essential role in the dissemination of 
architectural culture. Emphasizing the work of certain architects, and 
belittling that of others, they introduced movements and constructed 
new tendencies, while theoretically and critically shaping 
architectural discourse. If a number of scholars reconsidered the role 
of these media in the modern era, their significance for the postmodern 
decades has only just been opened up.

Relying heavily on the circulation of images, postmodernism has always 
been intertwined with the media. In their critique of the Modern 
Movement, and in their exploration of a new spatial and visual culture, 
architectural exhibitions and periodicals played an essential role in 
critically shaping postmodern architecture. As hypothetical spaces 
these media contributed to the development of new architectural 
approaches, providing an alternative to the built project. As 
discursive platforms they enhanced transatlantic or paneurean 
encounters. As critical practices they extended the role of the 
architect beyond its traditional boundaries, functioning as vehicles 
for research-based design.

This session welcomes presentations that address postmodern 
architectural exhibitions and periodicals as forms of discourse. How 
did exhibitions and magazines prompted transatlantic exchanges and 
cultural transfers? How did these media influence the discursive 
frameworks in which architectural theory took shape? To what extend 
were postmodern exhibitions and periodicals a response to the end of 
the "grand narratives"? And how did these media enhance the role of 
history and historiography in the postmodern era?

Please submit proposals by June 1, 2013 to: Véronique Patteeuw, École 
Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture-Paysage de Lille;


Léa-Catherine Szacka, Labex Cap/Centre Pompidou/École Nationale 
Supérieure Architecture de Paris LaVillette;

                 Ph.D. in Technologies for the Exploitation
                 of the Cultural Heritage .
                 Senior Lecturer in the Dept. of Architecture

                 College of Engineering , University of Mosul 
                 Mosul - Iraq .

Tel :           +964 (0)770 164 93 74

