Ecopolis Plaza

Ecopolis Plaza

Ecosistema urbano:

'ecopolis plaza' by ecosistema urbano in madrid, spain
all images courtesy ecosistema urbano

photo by j. de paz

spanish studio ecosistema urbano has created 'plaza ecopolis', a nursery school that
includes in its plan a sustainable public square and urban park in madrid.
located on an old industrial site surrounded by a number of industries and heavy
transportation infrastructures, the project aims to educate the public on energy related
issues while providing an eco-friendly space for social gatherings.

photo by j. de paz

singular in colour, the bright yellow building features a canvas-like shell stretched
on to a sculptural steel frame that gives the school a bold and geometric look.
the shading provided by this primary skin passively controls the microclimate
of the interior. extending out to the square, the truss element becomes the infrastructure
for the outdoor playground equipments.

water purification system

conceived as an 'open environmental classroom', the new square integrates
ecological initiatives, such as the natural water purification system.
by making transparent the building's sustainable features, the the project
intends to make aware the importance of consumption behaviour in both
the children and the locals.

panoramic view of the square
photo by j. de paz

nursery school's entrance
photo by emilio p. doiztua

interior view
photo by emilio p. doiztua

photo by emilio p. doiztua

photo by emilio p. doiztua

photos by j. de paz

photo by j. de paz

photo by j. de paz

photo by emilio p. doiztua

outdoor playground
photos by i.iglesias

the square at night

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                  University of Mosul
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